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Columbus-Athens Albert Schweitzer Fellowship

Service Learning for Students

Schweitzer Fellowship

The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship is a prestigious program that allows graduate and professional health students the chance to work on service projects that address the social factors affecting health in underserved communities.

The Heritage College and CHEAO are proud of the participation of Ohio University in the established Columbus-Athens Schweitzer Fellows Program. The Heritage College is a proud partner and sponsor for the Schweitzer Fellows Program, which provides a valuable experience for selected graduate and professional students at Ohio University. This opportunity consists of a one-year interdisciplinary, mentored fellowship program focused on health-related community service and leadership development. Students from the Heritage College, the Ohio State University College of Medicine and other Columbus-area colleges are chosen for the program.

The fellowship program seeks to build leaders in service who are dedicated to working with the underserved in their fellowship year and beyond. These fellows partner with community-based organizations to identify an unmet health need, design a year-long 200-hour service project with a demonstrable impact on that need and bring that project from idea to implementation and impact. Rooted in a holistic understanding of health, Schweitzer projects address not only clinical issues, but also the social determinants of health.

Annually, approximately 250 Schweitzer fellows deliver more than 40,000 hours of health-related community service at 13 locations across the United States. In just two years, 31 Columbus-Athens fellows logged 7,500 hours.

Originally founded in 1940 to support Dr. Albert Schweitzer’s medical work in Africa, ASF is a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to develop leaders in service: Individuals who are dedicated and skilled in meeting the health needs of underserved communities and whose example influences and inspires others.

Learn More About ASF Preview the 2024-2025 Application 2024-2025 ASF Application Link

Please note: The 2024-2025 application deadline is February 5, 2024. If selected, fellow projects will receive a $3,000 stipend.


For more information on the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, please contact us at or