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Cayuse Research Administration Software

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经过对电子研究管理系统的彻底审查, and feedback from faculty and staff, Cayuse被选为俄亥俄州的下一个电子研究管理软件.  Cayuse is a global solution for empowering connected research, hosted by over 650 research organizations across the world. 实施Cayuse的决定表明了支持和促进研究的承诺. To see a general overview of the Cayuse platform, please visit the Cayuse website.

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Benefits of Cayuse

  • 集中式仪表板-着陆页/仪表板,方便访问所有可用的系统
  • 基于云的平台——交付的SAAS(软件即服务)系统, maintained, backed up, secured and upgraded by Cayuse
  • 现代的外观和感觉:用于处理和跟踪项目的现代用户体验和有效的工作流程, proposals, awards, and subawards for sponsored projects
  • Integration with Oracle for HR information, 账户设置和最终的费用/余额信息从Oracle返回到Cayuse

What is Next?

newbb电子平台将以交错的方式从LEO过渡到Cayuse.   第一阶段将包括外部兴趣、赞助项目和人类伦理.  Phase II will include Hazard Safety and Animal Oversight.  Phase II will be after all of Phase I is completed.

Implementation Timeline
Spring 2023Contract signed with Cayuse. Phase I and Phase II Implementation Plan created. 第一阶段资助项目的发展、外部兴趣和人类伦理模块;
Summer/Fall 2023邀请焦点小组开始测试赞助项目、外部兴趣和人类伦理模块. 赞助项目和人类伦理模块的表格建设继续取得进展.
Spring 2024Roll out of Phase I - Outside Interests and Human Ethics modules. 开发第二阶段-危害安全和动物监督模块. 继续开发和整合赞助项目的数据到Oracle.
Summer 2024焦点小组开始测试危险安全和动物监督模块. 危害安全和动物监督模块的表格建设继续取得进展. Sponsored Projects legacy data imported from LEO. 
Fall 2024推出赞助项目和第二阶段-危害安全和动物监督模块. 

How Can I Stay Informed

现在有并且将有很多机会了解Cayuse实施的进展情况.  Keeping an eye on this website will help.  Updated information will be added as it becomes available. 

In addition, 俄亥俄州新闻和商业事项的通知,以及发送到ORSP Info电子邮件列表的电子邮件.  Join ORSP’s E-Mail Distribution List to receive these updates.

Cayuse in the News:


Cayuse Human Ethics Module Launching Soon                            

Learn About The Modules

  • Sponsored Projects

    Cayuse“赞助计划”将取代LEO服务中心、传送和奖励程序.  教师和管理人员将使用该模块来创建提案, route them for approval, 跟随他们完成奖励过程,并最终获得一个用于消费的帐户号码.

  • Outside Interests

    “外部利益”将取代LEO“利益冲突”模块. This module will be used by faculty, 作为资助项目的调查员和/或与人类受试者进行研究的调查员的员工和学生,他们需要披露与IRB研究相关的重大经济利益冲突.

  • Human Ethics

    Cayuse ' Human Ethics '将取代LEO ' IRB Application '模块.  本模块将被从事人体研究的教职员工和学生使用.  这就是将提交的材料发送到机构审查委员会进行审查的方式.

  • Animal Oversight

    “动物监督”将取代LEO的“IACUCnewbb电子”模块.  该模块将被从事活体脊椎动物研究或教学的教职员工使用.  这是提交将如何路由到机构动物护理和使用委员会进行审查. 

  • Hazard Safety

    casuse“危险安全”将取代那些从事生物危险制剂工作的人员的纸质/PDF申请流程. 该模块将用于将提交给机构生物安全委员会进行审查.  This module will also have some connectivity to ‘Animal Oversight’.

Helpful Forms and Links

Cayuse Individual Account Request Form 

使用Cayuse个人帐户申请表申请一个用户帐户,如果还没有在系统中.  请注意,开放大学的教职员工可以通过单点登录自动访问Cayuse.  在提交此表格之前,请尝试使用您的OU单点登录帐户登录.

Cayuse Sponsor or External Org Request Form 

Use the Cayuse Sponsor or External Org Request form if the Sponsor, cost-share entity, or COI entity is not available in Cayuse. 

Cayuse Subrecipient Request Form


General Frequently Asked Questions

Please share your questions regarding the new eRA system. 我们将使用这些信息来创建并定期更新网站上的常见问题解答.

Submit Cayuse Questions


Who do I contact regarding Cayuse?


Will my information be transferred to the new system?

Legacy data will be incorporated into the Sponsored Projects module.  所有悬而未决的提案(任何年份)和2021财年未批准的提案, 2022, 2023将被纳入以协助提案报告目的.  赞助项目将包括所有活跃的奖项和2021财年活跃的奖项, 2022, and 2023.  目前在2021财年之前活跃的项目将包含2021财年之前年份的汇总数据.  We will not transfer COI disclosures or IRB studies.

Why did we select Cayuse?

newbb电子平台在2022年春末发布了一个集成电子研究管理系统的RFP.  Multiple responses were reviewed, demonstrations and interviews held, and Cayuse was selected as the system most able to meet our needs.  They have modules that cover Outside Interests, Sponsored Projects, Human Ethics, Hazard Safety, Animal Oversight, Vivarium Operations and Vet Care.  

What type of training will be available?

研究部致力于为教师提供全面的支持和培训, students and staff during this transition. 在过渡之前,将为每个单元提供培训资源. We are dedicated to making this switch as smooth as possible. 

How will I log in?

所有俄亥俄州的员工都将使用他们在俄亥俄州的用户名和密码登录Cayuse.  需要访问的访客帐户不是OU员工(学生), IRB community members, etc.) can be created as needed. Log in to Cayuse

When can I log in?

研究部将通过各种方式发送多个通知,以便每个人都了解使用Cayuse的时间表.  请观看我们的网页,俄亥俄州新闻,和其他场所的信息.